
Leadership Lab

Te Tiriti Incubator – expression of interest EOI

Ehara taku toa i te toa takitahi, he toa takitini

Our strength is not as individuals, but as a collective


The Te Tiriti Incubator aims to facilitate a learning journey in which Tangata Whenua and Tangata Tiriti come together to develop a deeper understanding of building and sustaining mutually respectful Tiriti-based relationships. By engaging both groups, the programme creates an opportunity for exploring our own identities and deeply held beliefs, engaging in brave and meaningful dialogue, and activating system change that respects and honours the articles of Te Tiriti o Waitangi. We will facilitate a safe and brave space for these conversations to be constructive and empowering for all using tikanga frameworks.


  • Experienced and emerging leaders in communities, local and central government, business, education, social services, not-for-profits, etc.
  • A total of 30-40 leaders of which 50% Tangata Whenua and 50% Tangata Tiriti

Possible kōrero topics

Throughout the programme, Tangata Whenua and Tangata Tiriti will meet at times as separate caucus groups and at other times with both groups together.  The separate cohorts of Tangata Whenua and Tangata Tiriti aim to strengthen our understanding of who we are and what we bring, then coming together to grow our Tiriti-based relationships that supports mana ōrite, tino rangatiratanga and honourable kawanatanga. Topics that will be discussed will explore deeply held beliefs and assumptions that inform behaviours and decisions. Together, we will consider the power dynamics that create barriers within systems and, through this, develop tools and skills to create policies and practices that will support us in actively moving towards a Te Tiriti-based future.

Possible topics for Tangata Whenua caucus

  • Discuss and examine the complexities faced by Tangata Whenua
  • Nō hea, ko wai, building on our identity and embracing the uniqueness of being Māori/Iwi/Hapū/wāhine/Tāne/etc, 
  • Utilising tikanga practices to support the Tiriti relationships
  • Exploring growth strategies to reindigenise and decolonize our own thought processes 
  • Addressing cultural taxation and cultural fatigue.
  • Acknowledging the effects of cultural trauma individually and collectively
  • Explore matauranga Māori to contribute towards our learning and growth. 
  • Reaffirming Rangatiratanga in our spaces and places 
  • How we navigate our relationships with Tangata Tiriti.

Possible topics for Tangata Tiriti caucus

  • Opportunity to learn and fill in the many gaps in our understanding of Aotearoa and our place within it.
  • Understanding how racism is present and functions in our communities and developing tools to challenge this.
  • To explore and connect with our identity and whakapapa and place value in it.
  • To realise that Te Tiriti o Waitangi has intended to give us a place here in Aotearoa.
  • To be motivated to work towards decolonisation and making things right. 
  • To develop skills and dispositions in walking in partnership with tangata whenua and using all our strengths to create a better future in Aotearoa. 
  • Growing confidence and competence as a culturally sustaining leader


  • This is a 12-month journey consisting of a series of four wānanga held at various marae and whare, including Rāpaki, Rehua, and Te Iho o te Ora.
  • Two of the wānanga are noho (overnight gatherings), allowing for deeper connection and learning.
  • The programme includes Action Learning Groups (comprising groups of eight meeting five times) and Clifton Strengths coaching for each leader to enhance personal and collective growth.


  • Full registration cost will be available shortly.  Scholarships may be available on request.

If you are interested in expressing your interest and receiving more information please contact us now


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Leadership Lab

Te Tiriti Incubator – expression of interest EOI

Ehara taku toa i te toa takitahi, he toa takitini

Our strength is not as individuals, but as a collective


The Te Tiriti Incubator aims to facilitate a learning journey in which Tangata Whenua and Tangata Tiriti come together to develop a deeper understanding of building and sustaining mutually respectful Tiriti-based relationships. By engaging both groups, the programme creates an opportunity for exploring our own identities and deeply held beliefs, engaging in brave and meaningful dialogue, and activating system change that respects and honours the articles of Te Tiriti o Waitangi. We will facilitate a safe and brave space for these conversations to be constructive and empowering for all using tikanga frameworks.


  • Experienced and emerging leaders in communities, local and central government, business, education, social services, not-for-profits, etc.
  • A total of 30-40 leaders of which 50% Tangata Whenua and 50% Tangata Tiriti

Possible kōrero topics

Throughout the programme, Tangata Whenua and Tangata Tiriti will meet at times as separate caucus groups and at other times with both groups together.  The separate cohorts of Tangata Whenua and Tangata Tiriti aim to strengthen our understanding of who we are and what we bring, then coming together to grow our Tiriti-based relationships that supports mana ōrite, tino rangatiratanga and honourable kawanatanga. Topics that will be discussed will explore deeply held beliefs and assumptions that inform behaviours and decisions. Together, we will consider the power dynamics that create barriers within systems and, through this, develop tools and skills to create policies and practices that will support us in actively moving towards a Te Tiriti-based future.

Possible topics for Tangata Whenua caucus

  • Discuss and examine the complexities faced by Tangata Whenua
  • Nō hea, ko wai, building on our identity and embracing the uniqueness of being Māori/Iwi/Hapū/wāhine/Tāne/etc, 
  • Utilising tikanga practices to support the Tiriti relationships
  • Exploring growth strategies to reindigenise and decolonize our own thought processes 
  • Addressing cultural taxation and cultural fatigue.
  • Acknowledging the effects of cultural trauma individually and collectively
  • Explore matauranga Māori to contribute towards our learning and growth. 
  • Reaffirming Rangatiratanga in our spaces and places 
  • How we navigate our relationships with Tangata Tiriti.

Possible topics for Tangata Tiriti caucus

  • Opportunity to learn and fill in the many gaps in our understanding of Aotearoa and our place within it.
  • Understanding how racism is present and functions in our communities and developing tools to challenge this.
  • To explore and connect with our identity and whakapapa and place value in it.
  • To realise that Te Tiriti o Waitangi has intended to give us a place here in Aotearoa.
  • To be motivated to work towards decolonisation and making things right. 
  • To develop skills and dispositions in walking in partnership with tangata whenua and using all our strengths to create a better future in Aotearoa. 
  • Growing confidence and competence as a culturally sustaining leader


  • This is a 12-month journey consisting of a series of four wānanga held at various marae and whare, including Rāpaki, Rehua, and Te Iho o te Ora.
  • Two of the wānanga are noho (overnight gatherings), allowing for deeper connection and learning.
  • The programme includes Action Learning Groups (comprising groups of eight meeting five times) and Clifton Strengths coaching for each leader to enhance personal and collective growth.


  • Full registration cost will be available shortly.  Scholarships may be available on request.

If you are interested in expressing your interest and receiving more information please contact us now


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