Grow Waitaha Equity and Inclusion Hui May 28th 4-8pm

Showing up for Gender-Diverse Ākonga


Schools can be a difficult place for gender-diverse ākonga, such as those who identify as transgender. This hui is focused on supporting schools and kura to understand gender-diverse identities, including Takatāpui and how we might examine inclusive education with a decolonised, Te Ao Māori perspective.


In this hui we will:

  • Discuss the importance of inclusive education and the urgency of showing up for our gender-diverse community
  • Learn the basics about gender-diverse identities, including how they can be examined through a cultural lens
  • Share research and recommendations from Grow Waitaha that schools can utilise
  • Hear the lived experiences of gender-diverse adults who attended our Canterbury schools in the past
  • Work together to explore ways each of our schools can create safer and more empowering places of learning for this part of our school communities who often experience high levels of prejudice, discrimination, and poor mental health outcomes

We will distribute resources to schools and kura that may help them understand gender diversity and make meaningful changes to better cater to gender-diverse ākonga and make them feel included.


Board chairs and Board members, school tumuaki (principals), other senior leaders, kaiako (teachers), and anyone who works with young people in educational settings.

Where and When

McFaddens Centre – 64 McFaddens Road, St Albans, Christchurch


Light dinner will be provided at 6pm

Is there a cost?

The hui is free of charge.