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This two x one-day wānanga series is for professionals who are committed to leading for equity and are on a journey of understanding about Te Tiriti-based equity in Aotearoa. We will explore the WHY of leading for equity and then the HOW and WHAT – tools and frameworks for leadership.
This initiative focussed on these three Leadership Lab Impact Areas
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The Te Tiriti Incubator aims to support leaders in giving effect to the articles of Te Tiriti o Waitangi by developing a deeper understanding of the Tiriti relationship between Tangata Whenua (indigenous people) and Tangata Tiriti (people of other cultures). This is a 12 month journey consisting a series of four one-day wānanga held at various marae and whare, including Rāpaki, Rehua, and Te Iho o te Ora.
This initiative focussed on these three Leadership Lab Impact Areas
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Join us for a powerful webinar that will guide you through a journey of self-expression, empathy, and personal growth, equipping you with deeper insights into your identity and communication. You’ll also explore intersectionality, systems change, and the power of shifting narratives to create a more equitable and inclusive society.
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The Leaders for Equity Network seeks to activate a vibrant network of leaders dedicated to equity across Aotearoa by providing spaces to connect, learn, and inspire one another. This initiative includes leaders from diverse sectors, such as government, NGOs, community groups, education, health, justice, and philanthropic organisations.
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Empower your organisation with a customised strengths-based development programme designed to inspire growth, enhance collaboration, and drive success. Rooted in the unique strengths of your team, this tailored experience will help individuals and groups harness their natural talents, build confidence, and work more effectively together.
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Elevate your organisation’s impact with a customised strategy-focused programme designed to address your unique challenges and aspirations.
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Supporting kaiako (teachers) and tumuaki (principals) to grow competence and confidence in Te Tiriti o Waitangi, kaupapa Māori, critical consciousness and inclusion
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