How do we support tangata whenua and tangata tiriti leaders to give effect to Te Tiriti o Waitangi?
What does leading for equity look like in Aotearoa?
How can a Charitable Trust create a sustainable platform for our LinC (Leadership in Communities) projects?
How do we support senior leaders in FENZ to overcome toxic cultures and build teams where each member plays to their strengths?
How can we intentionally grow leaders who identify with groups who have experienced discrimination because of their identity?
How do we support leaders who grow equitable and thriving communities?
How do we address bias and racism to ensure equity and inclusion for ākonga Māori and all ākonga in our Aotearoa kura?
How do we ensure that funding for wellbeing during this COVID-19 pandemic is spent on what communities really need?
How do we provide a regular accessible way for isolated educational leaders to connect and grow?
How do we support diverse rangatahi who are potential leaders, disruptors and innovators but who have experienced discrimination because of their identity?
How do we amplify marginalised voices for advocacy and to provoke system change?
How do we build collaboration between over 150 schools in Greater Christchurch to rebuild and renew their learning programmes post-earthquake?