LinC Project - Leadership in Communities

The LinC (Leadership in Communities) Project has been supporting community leaders across Canterbury for 8 years ever since the Christchurch earthquakes. It has 4 seperate but interconnected programmes; Incubator, Rourou, Puāwai and Te Whāriki


How do we amplify marginalised voices for advocacy and to provoke system change?

Nāu te rourou, nāku te rourou, ka ora ai te iwi – With your food basket and my food basket the people will be fed.

The Rourou project hosts spaces to listen to contemporary voices, to collaborate with others, and to address gnarly issues.

Our involvement

  • Leadership development
  • Culture change
  • Strategy and vision
  • Team facilitation

Areas of impact

  • Enacting Te Tiriti o Waitangi
  • Hauora and wellbeing
  • Radical inclusion
  • Transformative learning
  • Thriving relationships
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Te Whāriki

How can we intentionally grow leaders who identify with groups who have experienced discrimination because of their identity?

Te Whāriki is a twelve month internship experience based on mentoring, project experience, networking and facilitating activation initiatives. Its purpose is to “Activate the intersections of identity to lead systems change”

In 2023/24 it involved ten existing intersectional young leaders who have experienced discrimination and marginalisation. In the 2024/2025 a new 10 leaders have joined the programme and the 2023/24 Te Whāriki members have created their own ongoing Intersectionality Community of Practice

Read our latest Te Whariki impact overview

Our involvement

  • Leadership development
  • Culture change
  • Coaching and mentoring
  • Team facilitation

Areas of impact

  • Enacting Te Tiriti o Waitangi
  • Hauora and wellbeing
  • Radical inclusion
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Te Whāriki


How do we support diverse rangatahi who are potential leaders, disruptors and innovators but who have experienced discrimination because of their identity?

Puāwai is a three-month experience for approximately 40 rangatahi/young people aged 15-18 designed to connect and develop a diverse network of “potential leaders, innovators, disruptors, drivers” and help them develop real skills, knowledge.

Our involvement

  • Leadership development
  • Coaching and mentoring
  • Team facilitation

Areas of impact

  • Enacting Te Tiriti o Waitangi
  • Hauora and wellbeing
  • Radical inclusion
  • Tranformative learning
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How do we support leaders who grow equitable and thriving communities?

Incubator is an engaging 9-month personal development journey, which supports leaders to grow equitable and thriving communities, and to take the time to reflect deeply on their own personal leadership

Our involvement

  • Leadership development
  • Culture change
  • Coaching and mentoring
  • Team facilitation

Areas of impact

  • Enacting Te Tiriti o Waitangi
  • Hauora and wellbeing
  • Radical inclusion


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It changed the way we managed our community for ever

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Here is where you can put some text in and if you style it by this code H2

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LinC Incubator<br />

LinC Incubator

And all our resources are shared. Free

We create collective impact far wider than can imagine by sharing and caring

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