
LinC (Leadership in Communities)


WHY – purpose

Puāwai is a five-month experience for approximately 40 rangatahi/young people aged 15-18 that is designed to:

  • Connect and develop a diverse network of “potential leaders, innovators, disruptors, drivers” in our rangatahi/young people around the region to enable them to contribute to their community
  • Develop real skills, knowledge and networks by participating in a bicultural programme with a focus on diversity and inclusion

WHO – young people   
  • There is no application process, rangatahi/young people are selected and supported to attend by a tuakana/youth group leader from their community.
  • Rangatahi are organised into small action learning groups called ‘rōpu’ to focus on unlocking their strengths and building confidence before joining in the large hui with all the other rōpu.
  • Puāwai is for young people who are already demonstrating their involvement within their whānau, friends and communities but are not yet recognized for their mahi/efforts. This would include young people who want to grow skills and experience and have not yet received leadership development opportunities. 
WHAT – components

The Puāwai programme has been co-designed by a group of young people and includes; 

  • Leadership Hui x one per month from 4.00-7.00 pm on a week day 
  • Strengths finder profile and coaching – individual and group coaching with each rōpū
  • Rōpū meetings once a month
  • Activator events – youth-led practical projects in the April school holidays that could range from facilitating a public event to organizing a service opportunity together
HOW – supporters
    • Puāwai is designed and delivered by a group of facilitators in partnership with Leadership Lab and the CHCH YMCA
  • Funding for Puāwai has been
    provided by the Ministry of Youth Development, J.R.McKenzie Trust, Todd Foundation, Te Putahitanga, Wayne Francis Charitable Trust and the Ben Gough Family Foundation 


LinC (Leadership in Communities)


WHY – purpose

Puāwai is a five-month experience for approximately 40 rangatahi/young people aged 15-18 that is designed to:

  • Connect and develop a diverse network of “potential leaders, innovators, disruptors, drivers” in our rangatahi/young people around the region to enable them to contribute to their community
  • Develop real skills, knowledge and networks by participating in a bicultural programme with a focus on diversity and inclusion

WHO – young people   
  • There is no application process, rangatahi/young people are selected and supported to attend by a tuakana/youth group leader from their community.
  • Rangatahi are organised into small action learning groups called ‘rōpu’ to focus on unlocking their strengths and building confidence before joining in the large hui with all the other rōpu.
  • Puāwai is for young people who are already demonstrating their involvement within their whānau, friends and communities but are not yet recognized for their mahi/efforts. This would include young people who want to grow skills and experience and have not yet received leadership development opportunities. 
WHAT – components

The Puāwai programme has been co-designed by a group of young people and includes; 

  • Leadership Hui x one per month from 4.00-7.00 pm on a week day 
  • Strengths finder profile and coaching – individual and group coaching with each rōpū
  • Rōpū meetings once a month
  • Activator events – youth-led practical projects in the April school holidays that could range from facilitating a public event to organizing a service opportunity together
HOW – supporters
    • Puāwai is designed and delivered by a group of facilitators in partnership with Leadership Lab and the CHCH YMCA
  • Funding for Puāwai has been
    provided by the Ministry of Youth Development, J.R.McKenzie Trust, Todd Foundation, Te Putahitanga, Wayne Francis Charitable Trust and the Ben Gough Family Foundation