Leveraging strengths to navigate change and disruption

In 2021, Leadership Lab engaged with FENZ (Fire and Emergency New Zealand) Tau Ihu (South Island) to support a group of their South Island District Commanders and their newly formed leadership teams with their journey.

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There are two key standout features of the Leadership Lab which are why we will continue to work with them;
1) They are quick to get to understand the essence of where our organisation and leaders are at and partner with us to develop bespoke and integrated solutions to lift the performance of both and;
2) The depth of capability of the Leadership Lab team mean that solutions and coaching is not only sound but goes to the heart of the matter.
This, along with commitment for sustainable change, result in shifts that go beyond surface impact.

Belinda de Zwart, SCIRT HR & Peak Performance Manager

Creating real impact in other areas

We aspire to grow equitable and flourishing communities and organisations in Aotearoa, through growing leaders who focus on...

enacting Te
Tiriti o Waitangi

We understand our shared histories in Aotearoa NZ and promote inclusive practices for all people

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We are committed to education that meets the needs of all learners and exists in the realities of the modern world

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We actively surface voices, experiences, and perspectives that are otherwise marginalised or passed over

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hauora & wellbeing

We take a broad and inclusive view of wellbeing, which holds quality of life as a high priority

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