Kim Rogers

"I understand the importance of building and maintaining relationships of trust and respect to engage students and their whānau to affect positive change."

Ko au ko koe, ko koe ko au

Ngā mihi mahana ki a koutou kātoa.

Ko Huruiki te maunga

Ko Whakapara te awa

Ko Whakapara te marae

Ko Te Ihi o Nehua te whare tupuna

Ko Te Tawaka te wharekai

Ko Ngāti Hau te hapū

Ko Ngāpuhi nui tonu te iwi

Ko te whānau Davis tōku ingoa whānau


Kim has had over 25 years experience of teaching across all levels of education including Kohanga reo, Primary and Secondary sectors. With a first class honours Masters degree in Indigenous Studies, Kim has a passion for working with whānau, hapū and iwi to foster better relationships between schools and communities in order to gain better outcomes for rangatahi Māori.

Kim was a Te Kotahitanga facilitator for eight years at Kerikeri High School, collaborating with staff, Senior Leaders and Board of trustees to promote culturally appropriate and responsive contexts for learning. Through a cycle of observations, feedback and shadow coaching Kim was instrumental in a huge shift in Māori student engagement and achievement across all levels.

Kim was Deputy Principal at Whangarei Girl’s High School until December 2021. In this role Kim was able to draw on her vast educational experience to empower and engage staff to support their cultural capabilities. Her ability to foster meaningful relationships drove her to empower others to reach their potential.  Having a strong foundation in Kaupapa Māori and tikanga Māori, Kim was able to use an approach that is critically conscious, culturally sustaining and student-centred to improve outcomes for Māori



Kim Rogers

"I understand the importance of building and maintaining relationships of trust and respect to engage students and their whānau to affect positive change."

Ko au ko koe, ko koe ko au

Ngā mihi mahana ki a koutou kātoa.

Ko Huruiki te maunga

Ko Whakapara te awa

Ko Whakapara te marae

Ko Te Ihi o Nehua te whare tupuna

Ko Te Tawaka te wharekai

Ko Ngāti Hau te hapū

Ko Ngāpuhi nui tonu te iwi

Ko te whānau Davis tōku ingoa whānau


Kim has had over 25 years experience of teaching across all levels of education including Kohanga reo, Primary and Secondary sectors. With a first class honours Masters degree in Indigenous Studies, Kim has a passion for working with whānau, hapū and iwi to foster better relationships between schools and communities in order to gain better outcomes for rangatahi Māori.

Kim was a Te Kotahitanga facilitator for eight years at Kerikeri High School, collaborating with staff, Senior Leaders and Board of trustees to promote culturally appropriate and responsive contexts for learning. Through a cycle of observations, feedback and shadow coaching Kim was instrumental in a huge shift in Māori student engagement and achievement across all levels.

Kim was Deputy Principal at Whangarei Girl’s High School until December 2021. In this role Kim was able to draw on her vast educational experience to empower and engage staff to support their cultural capabilities. Her ability to foster meaningful relationships drove her to empower others to reach their potential.  Having a strong foundation in Kaupapa Māori and tikanga Māori, Kim was able to use an approach that is critically conscious, culturally sustaining and student-centred to improve outcomes for Māori