C1 : Using the Future Now

Author: Dr Cheryl Doig
In this Leaders' Connect hui recording from 16 June 2022, Dr Cheryl Doig shares her whakaaro on Using the Future Now: Foresight as a critical capability for leaders.

C2 : Thinking Long – learning for the future

Author: Derek Wenmoth
Derek Wenmoth from FutureMakers shares his whakaaro on Thinking Long - learning for the future.
  1. What are some of the things you believe are important to be focusing on in order to develop young people who can thrive in an uncertain future?
  2. What is getting in the way of you being able to do this? What are the challenges/barriers you face?
  3. What are some specific things you could do to address this – Curriculum? Structures? Role of teacher? Learning spaces? Etc
  4. List the 3-4 key actions you think you could work on in your context over the next 2-3 months to begin making the difference you feel is required in order to address the ‘signals’ discussed at the beginning – to prepare our young people to be able to thrive in the future.

C3 : Invisible Leadership

Author: Professor Welby Ings
In this Leaders' Connect hui recording from 22 September 2022, Professor Welby Ings shares his whakaaro on Invisible Leadership.
  1. What would you include in a portrait of a quality leader?
  2. What strategies do you suggest for caring for invisible leaders?

C4 : What to do when you don’t know what to do

Author: Vaughan Couillault
In this Leaders' Connect hui recording from 26 May 2022, Vaughan Couillault shares his whakaaro on what to do when you don't know what to do.
  1. What are some things you could do today to prepare for an unexpected tomorrow?
  2. Reflect on a time when you were suddenly thrust into a situation for which you there was no playbook ___ ADD

C5 : Deliberate Leadership in an ever-changing landscape

Author: Linda Tame and Christine O'Neill
In this Leaders' Connect hui recording from 18 November 2021, Linda Tame (Tumuaki at Golden Bay High School) and Christine O'Neill (Tumuaki at Te Kura o Hine Waiora - Christchurch Girls' High School) share their whakaaro on deliberate leadership in an ever-changing landscape.
  1. What resonates with you from what Christine and Linda have shared?
  2. What’s one act of leadership that has been discussed that you could see yourself using? 
  3. What aspect would you find difficult to do?

C6 : Hearing our stories – leading change for hybrid learning

Author: Derek Wenmoth
In this Leaders' Connect hui recording from 17 March 2022, Derek Wenmoth from FutureMakers (futuremakers.nz) shares his whakaaro on leading change for hybrid learning.
  1. What is the biggest challenge you’re facing right now as you cope with the impact of Omicron and COVID in your context?
  2. What ideas or inspiration have you drawn from the framework explanation and illustrations? 
  3. What ideas or activities are you thinking of using in your context?

C7 : Leading a Future Focused Curriculum in a Complex World

Author: Maurie Abraham
In this Leaders’ Connect hui recording from 2 September 2021, Maurie Abraham shares his whakaaro on leading a future focused curriculum in a complex world.
  1. What were the areas of what Maurie shared resonated with you?
  2. Where do you see possibilities for action? 
  3. In these complex times – what do you notice about your own leadership? 
  4. What aspects of Maurie’s kōrero challenged / encouraged you to action?

C8 : Important Conversations – Using foundational art of inquiry skills for success

Author: Joan Dalton
Joan Dalton shares her whakaaro on Important Conversations: using foundational art of inquiry skills for success. Joan Dalton is a Director at Hands On Educational Consultancy Pty Ltd.
  1. What do you notice about the language, mind frames and skills modelled in these two roleplays?
  2. What are some key differences between them?
  3. What do you think Principal Cheryl’s goals were?
  4. What skills were evidenced that helped her achieve this?

C9 : Kryptonite for leaders- ‘commanding’ leadership in a collegial age…

Author: Perry Rush
COVID-19 has reminded us that commanding leadership is not a ‘dirty word’ and there are many instances in our schools that require strong, powerful, informed, and direct leadership.
  1. Share your own story of commanding leadership with the group.
  2. What constitutes commanding leadership, as opposed to collegial leadership?
  3. How might you see commanding leadership being useful in your day-to-day setting?