"Centring the voice of lived experience has the power to transcend politics and transform systems"
Ko Airihi oku tīpuna
Ko Tangata Tiriti ahau
Ko Liverpool tōku wāhi whanau
No Ōtautahi tōku kainga inaianei
Ko Kath Harrison tōku ingoa
I am a strategic systems thinker with a passion for transformational leadership, appreciative inquiry and community development. I bring diverse leadership experience in service delivery, research and evaluation, advocacy and systems change, and learning and development. I am energised by opportunities that value innovation, collaboration, and continuous improvement. I am passionate about human rights, social justice, and tino rangatiratanga for our indigenous whānau.
"Centring the voice of lived experience has the power to transcend politics and transform systems"
Ko Airihi oku tīpuna
Ko Tangata Tiriti ahau
Ko Liverpool tōku wāhi whanau
No Ōtautahi tōku kainga inaianei
Ko Kath Harrison tōku ingoa
I am a strategic systems thinker with a passion for transformational leadership, appreciative inquiry and community development. I bring diverse leadership experience in service delivery, research and evaluation, advocacy and systems change, and learning and development. I am energised by opportunities that value innovation, collaboration, and continuous improvement. I am passionate about human rights, social justice, and tino rangatiratanga for our indigenous whānau.