Creating real impact

We aspire to grow equitable and flourishing communities and organisations across Aotearoa, through growing leaders who focus on...

enacting Te
Tiriti o Waitangi

We understand our shared histories in Aotearoa NZ and promote inclusive practices for all people

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We are committed to education that meets the needs of all learners and exists in the realities of the modern world

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We actively surface voices, experiences, and perspectives that are otherwise marginalised or passed over

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hauora & wellbeing

We take a broad and inclusive view of wellbeing, which holds quality of life as a high priority

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We recognise and harness the power of workplaces as environments to influence the quality of life of all workers

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"Leadership Lab do things differently. For 6 years they’ve worked tirelessly with us to support and enable a culture shift - emphasising positive action and individual responsibility within the interconnectedness and complexities of a health system.

They’ve very often gone above and beyond what they’ve been contracted to do because, in their own words, “this is important work”. They don't simply operate as a consultancy company - they challenge us to do better, to be better - to be the social change our patients and the public can expect"

Jacqui Benter-Lynch Organisational Development Specialist, People and Capability, Canterbury District Health Board

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discussion about collaborating?

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