Pete Cammock

"My ultimate hope is to help leaders respond to the invitations in their lives, find a sense of calling and contribute from that place."

Connectedness, Input, Strategic, Futuristic, Ideation

Pete is a founding director and senior consultant with Leadership Lab. He works alongside organisations in the education, health, business and community sectors to support them in clarifying their direction and strategy and   in developing the leadership capability to realise their vision. 

Pete has spent much of his career teaching and researching leadership at the University of Canterbury, where he worked as MBA Director and Director of Executive Development. Pete now works full-time with Leadership Lab but has continued teaching in part-time and adjunct roles on the leadership programmes of Canterbury, Otago and Waikato universities. His consulting experience spans over twenty-five years and includes facilitation, coaching, advisory and leadership development roles with numerous private and public sector organisations and a wide range of NGO, local government and community leaders.

Pete has been involved in executive coaching for over fifteen years and during this time has worked directly with scores of public and private sector senior managers. He has been described by NZ Management Magazine as “one of the nation’s best leadership writers” and is the author of two books, “The Dance of Leadership” and “The Spirit of Leadership”, and a number of international publications.

Pete’s consulting is focused on supporting organisations making the transition to more collective and purpose-driven leadership. He has extensive experience in supporting senior management teams in clarifying their vision and in leading the cultural shifts involved in creating more purposeful, positive and people-centred organisations. He has a particular interest in the personal leadership journey’s that navigating such transitions require. This interest has led him to a deep exploration of the personal foundations of mindfulness, wellbeing, character and meaning that are required to lead effectively in complex, fast changing organisational environments. His work in this area forms the foundation of his consulting practice.

Other current work and interests

Leadership Development Centre

Leadership in Practice Programme
Long-term involvement as facilitator and contributor to LiP programme.

The Australian and Aotearoa New Zealand Psychodrama Association

Associate Member
Training and practice in sociodrama.

Pete Cammock

"My ultimate hope is to help leaders respond to the invitations in their lives, find a sense of calling and contribute from that place."

Connectedness, Input, Strategic, Futuristic, Ideation

Pete is a founding director and senior consultant with Leadership Lab. He works alongside organisations in the education, health, business and community sectors to support them in clarifying their direction and strategy and   in developing the leadership capability to realise their vision. 

Pete has spent much of his career teaching and researching leadership at the University of Canterbury, where he worked as MBA Director and Director of Executive Development. Pete now works full-time with Leadership Lab but has continued teaching in part-time and adjunct roles on the leadership programmes of Canterbury, Otago and Waikato universities. His consulting experience spans over twenty-five years and includes facilitation, coaching, advisory and leadership development roles with numerous private and public sector organisations and a wide range of NGO, local government and community leaders.

Pete has been involved in executive coaching for over fifteen years and during this time has worked directly with scores of public and private sector senior managers. He has been described by NZ Management Magazine as “one of the nation’s best leadership writers” and is the author of two books, “The Dance of Leadership” and “The Spirit of Leadership”, and a number of international publications.

Pete’s consulting is focused on supporting organisations making the transition to more collective and purpose-driven leadership. He has extensive experience in supporting senior management teams in clarifying their vision and in leading the cultural shifts involved in creating more purposeful, positive and people-centred organisations. He has a particular interest in the personal leadership journey’s that navigating such transitions require. This interest has led him to a deep exploration of the personal foundations of mindfulness, wellbeing, character and meaning that are required to lead effectively in complex, fast changing organisational environments. His work in this area forms the foundation of his consulting practice.

Other current work and interests

Leadership Development Centre

Leadership in Practice Programme
Long-term involvement as facilitator and contributor to LiP programme.

The Australian and Aotearoa New Zealand Psychodrama Association

Associate Member
Training and practice in sociodrama.