Atarau Hamilton-Fuller

"Whaia te pae tawhiti kia tata, whaia te pae tata, whakamaua kia tina - if we can both learn and teach therein lies the ability to reach our potential."

Passionate, connected, activator

Takitimu te Waka
Titirangi te Maunga
Waiau te Awa
Rangiahua te Marae
Ngai Tamaterangi te Hapū
Merewaipaopao te Tīpuna

Atarau Hamilton-Fuller (Ngāti Kahungunu, Ngaa Rauru, Ngāti Raukawa) has experience in all spaces developing youth, community, and leadership.. Working as a facilitator with a Social Enterprise which focused on providing employment pathways for the most excluded and disadvantaged rangatahi (young people) in the Hawkes Bay region. He now leans his skills and experiences into his passion for people. He loves working to strengthen Indigenous rangatahi through identity. This is clear in everything he does. His involvement in the community currently looks like supporting a kaupapa maori organisation to build capacity and capability of whānau to retain their tamariki and provide better solutions driven from grassroots. His mahi in the Canterbury region started during the 2020 & 2023 General Election and now continues to engage the community with his work in Ōtautahi and across the motu.

Atarau is the programme coordinator in our Puāwai programme and has previously been a tuākana where he worked with rangatahi Māori in the areas of intersectionality, identity, leadership skills and strenghts, while supporting them to curate their own stories. He was apanelist speaker at the Allyshift Unconference and has been part of Leadership Lab’s many events such as “The Power of Storytelling“.  He also is involved in Te Whāriki which focuses on the power of systems change and intersectionality. Ata is also a consultant in the Leadership Lab Cultural capability in Aotearoa kura project where he works with teachers to develop their competence and confidence in culturally sustaining practices, including Te Tiriti


Atarau Hamilton-Fuller

"Whaia te pae tawhiti kia tata, whaia te pae tata, whakamaua kia tina - if we can both learn and teach therein lies the ability to reach our potential."

Passionate, connected, activator

Takitimu te Waka
Titirangi te Maunga
Waiau te Awa
Rangiahua te Marae
Ngai Tamaterangi te Hapū
Merewaipaopao te Tīpuna

Atarau Hamilton-Fuller (Ngāti Kahungunu, Ngaa Rauru, Ngāti Raukawa) has experience in all spaces developing youth, community, and leadership.. Working as a facilitator with a Social Enterprise which focused on providing employment pathways for the most excluded and disadvantaged rangatahi (young people) in the Hawkes Bay region. He now leans his skills and experiences into his passion for people. He loves working to strengthen Indigenous rangatahi through identity. This is clear in everything he does. His involvement in the community currently looks like supporting a kaupapa maori organisation to build capacity and capability of whānau to retain their tamariki and provide better solutions driven from grassroots. His mahi in the Canterbury region started during the 2020 & 2023 General Election and now continues to engage the community with his work in Ōtautahi and across the motu.

Atarau is the programme coordinator in our Puāwai programme and has previously been a tuākana where he worked with rangatahi Māori in the areas of intersectionality, identity, leadership skills and strenghts, while supporting them to curate their own stories. He was apanelist speaker at the Allyshift Unconference and has been part of Leadership Lab’s many events such as “The Power of Storytelling“.  He also is involved in Te Whāriki which focuses on the power of systems change and intersectionality. Ata is also a consultant in the Leadership Lab Cultural capability in Aotearoa kura project where he works with teachers to develop their competence and confidence in culturally sustaining practices, including Te Tiriti