Jade Beaman

"I love to find the best in people, helping develop them to be the best version of themselves, to impact their world around them."

Wairuatanga, Empathy, Belief

Ko Taupiri te maunga

Ko Waikato te awa

Ko Tainui te waka

Ko Maniapoto te iwi

Ko Jade Marco Fernandos Beaman taku ingoa

Jade has 16+ years of experience in leadership, developing teams, building and strengthening cultures,  and coaching.

With a passion for PEOPLE – and as a maximiser, he thrives in connecting with people, journeying alongside them, deepening their understanding of their strengths and how they can best utilize these in both their professional and personal lives.

What makes Jade different is the way that he connects. The dash of humour and the aroha that he brings to conversations mixed with the experiences he shares of the work he’s done in the Youth, Community and Social Development sector, his experience in international diplomacy and relations and life experiences, makes it comfortable for people to be vulnerable, enabling a space for people to dig deep – the sweet spot for development.

Jade has an understanding and is highly experienced in many areas – supporting people in a complex, forever changing environment, supporting organisations to develop leadership capacity, removing toxic culture within teams and getting the best out of people. He adapts his coaching style in order to maximise your learning and outcomes so everyone gets a different experience with the same high quality of coaching.

“When people know who they are and have an understanding of their strengths, they feel more engaged and happier in their work. It brings the best out of them, helps them to become a better person. They become an influencer to peers at work and at home. I believe everyone needs a coach, it’s finding the right fit is the key.” – Jade Beaman,

Jades current role is with Te Ora Hou Otautahi leading the Attendance Service for Christchurch City, working with Police, Schools, Oranga Tamairiki and Ministry of Education to serve Whānau and Rangatahi.

Jade is a proud husband of Haley Cleine a talented interior Designer of Cleine Design and a Boss Mummy. He is also father to 4 Taonga Tamariki, Jack and Connor (Twins) Rubie and Joe.

On a fun note ask Jade about Breakdancing and Surfing.

Other current work

Te Ora Hou Otautahi

Manager K3 Attendance Service

Jade Beaman

"I love to find the best in people, helping develop them to be the best version of themselves, to impact their world around them."

Wairuatanga, Empathy, Belief

Ko Taupiri te maunga

Ko Waikato te awa

Ko Tainui te waka

Ko Maniapoto te iwi

Ko Jade Marco Fernandos Beaman taku ingoa

Jade has 16+ years of experience in leadership, developing teams, building and strengthening cultures,  and coaching.

With a passion for PEOPLE – and as a maximiser, he thrives in connecting with people, journeying alongside them, deepening their understanding of their strengths and how they can best utilize these in both their professional and personal lives.

What makes Jade different is the way that he connects. The dash of humour and the aroha that he brings to conversations mixed with the experiences he shares of the work he’s done in the Youth, Community and Social Development sector, his experience in international diplomacy and relations and life experiences, makes it comfortable for people to be vulnerable, enabling a space for people to dig deep – the sweet spot for development.

Jade has an understanding and is highly experienced in many areas – supporting people in a complex, forever changing environment, supporting organisations to develop leadership capacity, removing toxic culture within teams and getting the best out of people. He adapts his coaching style in order to maximise your learning and outcomes so everyone gets a different experience with the same high quality of coaching.

“When people know who they are and have an understanding of their strengths, they feel more engaged and happier in their work. It brings the best out of them, helps them to become a better person. They become an influencer to peers at work and at home. I believe everyone needs a coach, it’s finding the right fit is the key.” – Jade Beaman,

Jades current role is with Te Ora Hou Otautahi leading the Attendance Service for Christchurch City, working with Police, Schools, Oranga Tamairiki and Ministry of Education to serve Whānau and Rangatahi.

Jade is a proud husband of Haley Cleine a talented interior Designer of Cleine Design and a Boss Mummy. He is also father to 4 Taonga Tamariki, Jack and Connor (Twins) Rubie and Joe.

On a fun note ask Jade about Breakdancing and Surfing.

Other current work

Te Ora Hou Otautahi

Manager K3 Attendance Service