Tyler Ngātai

"I am a passionate advocate for youth development, with a strong focus on intersectionality and systems change"

to add - three key strengths

He mokopuna ahau ō Ngati Ruanui Ngati Porou me Ngai Tahu

Nō Kotirana me Airangi ōku tīpuna

Nō te hapu ō Araukuku Tuwhakairiora Arowhenua Awarua hoki

Ko Tyler Ngatai tōku ingoa

As the Practice Lead at Ara Taiohi, Tyler Ngatai (he/him) is a passionate advocate for youth development, with a strong focus on intersectionality and systems change. He brings a wealth of experience and a deep commitment to advancing equity and social justice for young people from all backgrounds. In addition to his advocacy in intersectionality, Tyler is a catalyst for systems change within the youth development sector. 

Tyler collaborates with stakeholders at all levels to challenge existing structures and policies, striving to create more equitable and supportive environments for young people to be their best selves. Through his leadership and expertise, Tyler empowers professionals and organisations to embrace a holistic approach to youth development, one that acknowledges the interconnected nature of social issues and fosters collaboration across sectors. He advocates for systemic reforms that address root causes of inequality and promote meaningful change at scale across Government to grassroot organisations. He currently co-leads the Te Whāriki programme with Erica Austin at Leadership Lab.



Tyler Ngātai

"I am a passionate advocate for youth development, with a strong focus on intersectionality and systems change"

to add - three key strengths

He mokopuna ahau ō Ngati Ruanui Ngati Porou me Ngai Tahu

Nō Kotirana me Airangi ōku tīpuna

Nō te hapu ō Araukuku Tuwhakairiora Arowhenua Awarua hoki

Ko Tyler Ngatai tōku ingoa

As the Practice Lead at Ara Taiohi, Tyler Ngatai (he/him) is a passionate advocate for youth development, with a strong focus on intersectionality and systems change. He brings a wealth of experience and a deep commitment to advancing equity and social justice for young people from all backgrounds. In addition to his advocacy in intersectionality, Tyler is a catalyst for systems change within the youth development sector. 

Tyler collaborates with stakeholders at all levels to challenge existing structures and policies, striving to create more equitable and supportive environments for young people to be their best selves. Through his leadership and expertise, Tyler empowers professionals and organisations to embrace a holistic approach to youth development, one that acknowledges the interconnected nature of social issues and fosters collaboration across sectors. He advocates for systemic reforms that address root causes of inequality and promote meaningful change at scale across Government to grassroot organisations. He currently co-leads the Te Whāriki programme with Erica Austin at Leadership Lab.