Theme A Equity and Inclusion

A2: Racism, bias and where to from here

Author: Dr Judy Bruce

In this Leaders' Connect hui recording from 12 May 2022, Dr Judy Bruce shares her whakaaro on Racism, bias and where to from here: Facing the elephant in the room.

  1. What are the elephants that you see in your communities/spheres of influence? E.g. biases that you are aware of?
  2. In what ways do the four different views provide a tool for thinking about mental models in your context?
  3. Share a time when you have had a destabilising encounter with someone that created a different way of thinking/being.
  4. Look back to the story that you told your colleagues in the previous breakout – how does your story connect/relate to these ideas of fostering ethical relationships?
  5. What are some of the ways that you or others you know have found to be effective in creating safe and courageous spaces for dialogue?