Theme A Equity and Inclusion

A6: Leading Authentic Partnerships – He mahi kai takata, he mahi kai hōaka

Author: Janina Konia

Janina Konia (Ngāi Tahu, Ngā Puhi) is the Senior Advisor Māori at the Ministry of Education - Canterbury.  Her previous role was kaiārahi at Mātauraka Mahaanui, an advisory board to MOE with a mandate to represent Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu across the Waitaha region.

  1. Leading Authentic Partnerships” – what do each of these kupu (“authentic”, “partnership”, “leading”) mean to you?
  2. How, when combined, do these kupu impact our mahi? How would you know?
  3. Think back to a time when you have been involved in authentic partnership – what were the touchstones that have supported / enhanced these?
  4. Alternatively, if you have never experienced an authentic partnership – what was missing for you? What was needed?
  5. What have you learnt and what do you intend to take forward as a result of today’s kōrero?