The Te Tiriti Incubator aims to facilitate a learning journey in which Tangata Whenua and Tangata Tiriti come together to develop a deeper understanding of building and sustaining mutually respectful Tiriti-based relationships. This is a 12-month journey consisting of a series of four one-day wānanga held at various marae and whare, including Ōnuku, Rāpaki, and Te Iho o te Ora supported by a range of small group wānanga.
This initiative focussed on these three Leadership Lab Impact Areas
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This two x one-day wānanga series is for professionals who are committed to leading for equity and are on a journey of understanding about Te Tiriti-based equity in Aotearoa. We will explore the WHY of leading for equity and then the HOW and WHAT – tools and frameworks for leadership.
This initiative focussed on these three Leadership Lab Impact Areas
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A multi-year collaboration between schools, Ministry of Education, Ngāi Tahu and consultancies to explore future focussed pedagogy including student agency, collaborative teaching, flexible learning spaces, cultural narratives, authentic curriculum and diverse partnerships.
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Puāwai is a three-month experience for approximately 40 rangatahi/young people aged 15-18 designed to connect and develop a diverse network of “potential leaders, innovators, disruptors, drivers” and help them develop real skills, knowledge.
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Nāu te rourou, nāku te rourou, ka ora ai te iwi – With your food basket and my food basket the people will be fed.
The Rourou project hosts spaces to listen to contemporary voices, to collaborate with others, and to address gnarly issues.
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Incubator is an engaging 9-month personal development journey, which supports leaders to grow equitable and thriving communities, and to take the time to reflect deeply on their own personal leadership
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Supporting kaiako (teachers) and tumuaki (principals) to grow competence and confidence in Te Tiriti o Waitangi, kaupapa Māori, critical consciousness and inclusion
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Te Whāriki is a twelve month internship experience based on mentoring, project experience, networking and facilitating activation initiatives. Its purpose is to “Activate the intersections of identity to lead systems change”
In 2023/24 it involved ten existing intersectional young leaders who have experienced discrimination and marginalisation. In the 2024/2025 a new 10 leaders have joined the programme and the 2023/24 Te Whāriki members have created their own ongoing Intersectionality Community of Practice
Read our latest Te Whāriki 2023-2024 Impact Report
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“How can a Charitable Trust create a sustainable platform for our LinC (Leadership in Communities) projects?”
The Leadership Lab Foundation was set up in 2023 as a means to create a sustainable foundation on which to grow the embed the work that the LinC (Leadership in Community) Programmes have been contributing to the Waitaha (Canterbury) region since 2015.
The current Trustees are Jenn Chowaniec, Lexie Reuben, Pete Cammock and Chris Jansen
The purposes and aims of the Trust are to provide opportunities for people to learn and grow leadership skills and experience and to participate in co-designing effective strategies to address challenges of significant scale and complexity. This involves equipping people with the skills and knowledge so they have the confidence and capacity to use collaborative approaches to solve complex problems; and benefitting the wider community by supporting and growing equitable and thriving communities and organisations in Aotearoa through leadership development and community development so as to amplify marginalised voices for systems change.
In carrying out the Charitable Purposes, the Trustees are guided by the following principles (Mātāpono):
Tārai Kura is an alliance of five partners (CORE Education | Tātai Aho Rau, Evaluation Associates | Te Huinga Kākākura Mātauranga, Leadership Lab, Tātai Angitu | Massey University and the Ministry of Education) working together to support the school and kura build process.
In partnership with mana whenua and whānau, the Tārai Kura team supports kura in the co-creation of an inclusive, future-focused, ākonga-centred learning environment, founded on a strong vision for learning and design.
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Supporting system wide culture change in the Canterbury, West Coast, Nelson Marlborough and South Canterbury regions. Supporting leadership teams through individual and team strength coaching as well as strategic facilitation and process mediation as needed.
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Leaders’ Connect is an interactive, relational, online space for education leaders with the following objectives:
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A community-based co-design in Te Anau, Cromwell, Wanaka and Queenstown
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A 5 year research project with Lincoln University’s Agribusiness and Economics Research Unit focused on unlocking export prosperity for New Zealand agri-foods enterprises.
Leadership Lab worked closely with the Lincoln University Agribusiness and Economics Research Unit between 2019 and 2022 to explore pathways to increase the profile and prosperity of New Zealand agri-foods organisations.
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