
Tārai Kura

Tārai Kura

Tārai Kura has a vision of “Shaping a treasured space of learning”.

Our vision is to foster ākonga-centred learning environments where ākonga, communities and mana whenua are connected and enabled to lead learning opportunities in ways that honour the wairua of Te Tiriti o Waitangi.


In partnership with mana whenua and whānau, the Tārai Kura team supports kura in the co-creation of an inclusive, future-focused, ākonga-centred learning environment, founded on a strong vision for learning and design.

Tārai Kura is an alliance of five partners (CORE Education | Tātai Aho Rau, Evaluation Associates | Te Huinga Kākākura Mātauranga, Leadership Lab, Tātai Angitu | Massey University and the Ministry of Education) working together to support the build process at your school or kura.


Tārai Kura: Ko wai mātau? Who are we?

The team have been working in partnership with Digital Journey to design a website and we are live!

Evaluation tool Signposts for Transformation

Signposts tool: Evaluation for transformation
A Roadmap Tool for School Leaders Engaging in Change Toward
Innovative Learning Environments






Community of Practice: Looking back on our year of learning together

Tārai Kura

Tārai Kura

Tārai Kura has a vision of “Shaping a treasured space of learning”.

Our vision is to foster ākonga-centred learning environments where ākonga, communities and mana whenua are connected and enabled to lead learning opportunities in ways that honour the wairua of Te Tiriti o Waitangi.


In partnership with mana whenua and whānau, the Tārai Kura team supports kura in the co-creation of an inclusive, future-focused, ākonga-centred learning environment, founded on a strong vision for learning and design.

Tārai Kura is an alliance of five partners (CORE Education | Tātai Aho Rau, Evaluation Associates | Te Huinga Kākākura Mātauranga, Leadership Lab, Tātai Angitu | Massey University and the Ministry of Education) working together to support the build process at your school or kura.


Tārai Kura: Ko wai mātau? Who are we?

The team have been working in partnership with Digital Journey to design a website and we are live!

Evaluation tool Signposts for Transformation

Signposts tool: Evaluation for transformation
A Roadmap Tool for School Leaders Engaging in Change Toward
Innovative Learning Environments






Community of Practice: Looking back on our year of learning together