We provide the following expertise and support

Leadership Lab are a diverse group of highly skilled and experienced consultants who specialise in the following core services.

Building individual skills, knowledge and confidence while growing trust and collective leadership

Confidence and competence

We design leadership development incubators to both increase each leaders skills, knowledge and confidence as well as grow trusting and collaborative relationships in order to build collective leadership and collaboration.

Collective leadership

Many organisations have clear and compelling vision and strategy statements yet struggle to implement these successfully.  The key enabler for implementation is collective leadership at both the senior and middle leadership levels.  Strategically growing networks of leaders within an organisation enables them to co-create change in their own setting.

Culture eats strategy for breakfast… so growing a positive culture is critical in order to create impact


Supporting leaders to facilitate a collective vision to build positive and sustainable change

Equiping leaders to lead change more effectively, and to embed change initiatives


Developing genuine collaboration within and across organisations and sectors.

Supporting leaders to identify and engage a wide range of relevant stakeholders in order to sustain and grow change.

A broad system approach creates connections, synergies and collaboration

Seeing the system

Exploring a wide range of factors and components to look for connections, interactions and leverage points


Collectively deciding on a strategic approach that maximises opportunities for a way forward that the organisation can prioritize.

Working alongside leaders to maintain focus and perspective as they grapple with the many dilemmas they face

A sounding board

An experienced, qualified and skilled sounding board is sometimes just what we need

Gaining perspective 

Getting on the balcony to gain a wider vision. A broad system approach creates connections, synergies and collaboration

Working alongside leaders to maintain focus on perspective as they grapple with the many dilemmas they face

Facilitating opportunities to enhance and build team culture by strengthening their capacity to improve wellbeing and outcomes

Enhancing strengths

Facilitation of groups enables each team member to understand their strengths and then collaborate as a high performing team.

Addressing conflict

Supporting leaders in their confidence to facilitate important conversations with their team members to explore areas of tension and opportunity to grow

Link to impact areas

  • Impact area 1
  • Impact area 2
  • Impact area 3

In my work at the hard end with our most disadvantaged children, young people and families, Leadership Lab recognises that complex and generational issues require system wide responses. Leadership Lab have pulled together key players from across health, welfare, social services, education and the community to provide a platform for learning, a space to collaborate, methods to shift paradigms, and conversations that translate into doing.
For myself, and my senior team members; our work alongside Leadership Lab has enabled networks, shifted thinking, and is continuing to influence different practice approaches to working with families.
Strategic. Human centred. Community focussed. Founded in relationship.

Peter Whitcombe, Chief Social Worker, Oranga Tamariki Ministry for Children

We're a diverse, agile team delivering results across a range of sectors

With plenty of experience, and diversity across age, race, gender and work we're able to utilise the combined strengths of us all.

Some of our collaborative projects


How do we amplify marginalised voices for advocacy and to provoke system change?

Nāu te rourou, nāku te rourou, ka ora ai te iwi – With your food basket and my food basket the people will be fed.

The Rourou project hosts spaces to listen to contemporary voices, to collaborate with others, and to address gnarly issues.

Our involvement

  • Leadership development
  • Culture change
  • Strategy and vision
  • Team facilitation

Areas of impact

  • Enacting Te Tiriti o Waitangi
  • Hauora and wellbeing
  • Radical inclusion
  • Transformative learning
  • Thriving relationships
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Leading for equity in Aotearoa kura

How do we address bias and racism to ensure equity and inclusion for ākonga Māori and all ākonga in our Aotearoa kura?

Supporting kaiako (teachers) and tumuaki (principals) to grow competence and confidence in Te Tiriti o Waitangi, kaupapa Māori, critical consciousness and inclusion

Our involvement

  • Leadership development
  • Culture change
  • Coaching and mentoring
  • Team facilitation
  • Strategy and vision

Areas of impact

  • Enacting Te Tiriti o Waitangi
  • Hauora and wellbeing
  • Radical inclusion
  • Transformative learning
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Leading for equity in Aotearoa kura

Te Whāriki

How can we intentionally grow leaders who identify with groups who have experienced discrimination because of their identity?

Te Whāriki is a twelve month internship experience based on mentoring, project experience, networking and facilitating activation initiatives. Its purpose is to “Activate the intersections of identity to lead systems change”

In 2023/24 it involved ten existing intersectional young leaders who have experienced discrimination and marginalisation. In the 2024/2025 a new 10 leaders have joined the programme and the 2023/24 Te Whāriki members have created their own ongoing Intersectionality Community of Practice

Read our latest Te Whariki impact overview

Our involvement

  • Leadership development
  • Culture change
  • Coaching and mentoring
  • Team facilitation

Areas of impact

  • Enacting Te Tiriti o Waitangi
  • Hauora and wellbeing
  • Radical inclusion
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Te Whāriki

Creating real impact

We aspire to grow equitable and flourishing communities and organisations in Aotearoa, through growing leaders who focus on...

enacting Te
Tiriti o Waitangi

We understand our shared histories in Aotearoa NZ and promote inclusive practices for all people

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We are committed to education that meets the needs of all learners and exists in the realities of the modern world

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We actively surface voices, experiences, and perspectives that are otherwise marginalised or passed over

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hauora & wellbeing

We take a broad and inclusive view of wellbeing, which holds quality of life as a high priority

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We recognise and harness the power of workplaces as environments to influence the quality of life of all workers

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All of our resources are shared freely

We create collective impact far wider than ourselves by sharing widely

Interested in kōrero,
discussion about collaborating?

areas of interest