Leaders and their organisations need to keep one eye on the future to ensure that they are making the impact they exist.  Our approach is to harness the collective intelligence of all stakeholders in both the planning and implementation of strategic change to ensure ownership and engagement throughout.

Strategic and vision processes can include a focus on some of the following;

  • “what is our strategic vision for this organisation?”
  • “how can we explore and challenge our assumptions about the future and consider where the organisation would like to be positioned beyond 5 years’ time.
  • “what do we really want to set our organisation apart?”
  • “what are the changes we are trying to do and why?”
  • “how can we cross pollinate ideas from other similar organisations, and also from diverse sectors and approaches?”
  • “how can Appreciative inquiry processes garner the strengths of the organisation and determine leverage into collective vision?”
  • “how can we focus on redefining structure and renewing our decision-making processes.

This diagram outlines the organisational transformation process that we adopt to design strategy and vision into ongoing refining of implementation

It outlines the key steps from engagement and scoping, to action planning and implementation followed by ongoing developmental evaluation

Working in a range of sectors

Kāhui Ako Change Management

How do we overcome the culture of competition between schools in order to create pathways for our students?
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Kāhui Ako Change Management

Grow Waitaha

How do we build collaboration between over 150 schools in Greater Christchurch to rebuild and renew their learning programmes post-earthquake?

A multi-year collaboration between schools, Ministry of Education, Ngāi Tahu and consultancies to explore future focussed pedagogy including student agency, collaborative teaching, flexible learning spaces, cultural narratives, authentic curriculum and diverse partnerships.

Our involvement

  • Leadership development
  • Strategy and vision
  • Culture change
  • Coaching and mentoring
  • Team facilitation

Areas of impact

  • Equitable education
  • Thriving workplaces
  • Enacting Te Tiriti o Waitangi
  • Radical inclusion
  • Hauora and wellbeing
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Grow Waitaha

Connected Leaders Programme

How do we develop a collective leadership practice that supports the provision of a integrated service for people with acute mental health disorders?
Read more
Connected Leaders Programme

Explore how we grow collaboration

Leadership Lab have been able to bring clarity to our thinking around vision, purpose, effective communication, decision making, collective leadership. They had confidence and expertise in leading the group which allowed all to have a voice and relational trust to be built. Knew where we should be putting our focus next, so helped us to be purposeful and not too scatter-gun. Everything has been of a very high quality.

Kāhui Ako Lead Principal

Great support to drive the Kāhui Ako forward. The pearls of wisdom that Leadership Lab brings and the challenges they present which empowers our own leadership.

Kāhui Ako Lead Principal