
Ministry of Education

Leading for equity in Aotearoa kura

Culturally diverse and dynamic learning communities create safe learning spaces for all ākonga to experience success. Kaiako and tumuaki who are culturally capable value and seek to empower ākonga Māori, all ākonga and their communities, through challenging and shifting exclusionary practices. 

Because each context is unique we work alongside leaders using our collaborative approach called Showing up Differently. Through whānaungatanga and wānanga we facilitate kōrero with key stakeholders including mana whenua. This means that while our team brings extensive expertise in a range of content areas, we focus strongly on holding space for all parties to share their lived experience, to challenge each other’s practice and to work collaboratively towards personal and school-wide change. 

Our accredited facilitators and consultants have a wide range of experience and wisdom which allows us to assemble small teams with complementary skills to work with Kāhui Ako and kura around Aotearoa. This co-design process then results in a comprehensive programme being designed that supports kaiako and tumuaki which could include hui, wānanga and noho, strengths and leadership coaching, and a range of content areas; 

  • Te Ao Māori and kaupapa Māori principles
  • Te Tiriti o Waitangi
  • Culturally responsive and relational pedagogies
  • Raising ākonga Māori and Pasifika success
  • Ethical, reciprocal relationships with others
  • Culturally sustaining leadership  
  • Diversity and inclusion
  • Te Whare Mauriora
  • Whānau and community engagement

Through this process, we support Kāhui Ako and kura to address the priorities in Ka Hikitia Ka Hapāitia and the Action Plan for Pasifika Education 2020-2030. We also work with kaiako to develop professional growth cycles based on the Educational Leadership Capability Framework to allow kaiako to grow confidence in their leadership and pedagogy.

"I just want to take this opportunity and thank you both for the mahi you guys are providing to our sector through community of practice (COP). I believe the impact of the COP so far and particularly the way we have emphasized a focus on leading with cultural integrity has raised the sector's critical consciousness and we are seeing some great shifts in practice"

Joanie Wilson
Strategic Adviser Māori - Ministry of Education Nelson

"Wiremu is working alongside us to challenge institutional and educational racism, helping us to better understand Kaupapa Māori. As Principal of Hillmorton High School, I learn from Wiremu every time we engage in conversation. He challenges in a very gentle but incredibly respectful way"

Anne Brokenshire
Principal, Hillmorton High School

"Daisy has a wonderful openness both to her own cultural knowledge and traditions and to those of the wider community. Seeing this willingness to honour this rich heritage is of real benefit to our students. The juxtapositioning of Shakespeare and Eminem was genius!"

St Catherine’s College, Wellington

"In my work – which is at the hard end with our most disadvantaged children, young people and families - Leadership Lab recognises that complex and generational issues require teamed up and system-wide responses. For myself, and my senior team members who have experienced professional development and collaborative opportunities through the Leadership Lab, it has enabled networks, shifted thinking, and is continuing to influence different practice approaches to working with families. Strategic. Human-centred. Community focussed. Founded in relationship"

Peter Whitcombe
General Manager Youth Justice Services, Oranga Tamariki Ministry for Children

Ministry of Education

Leading for equity in Aotearoa kura

Culturally diverse and dynamic learning communities create safe learning spaces for all ākonga to experience success. Kaiako and tumuaki who are culturally capable value and seek to empower ākonga Māori, all ākonga and their communities, through challenging and shifting exclusionary practices. 

Because each context is unique we work alongside leaders using our collaborative approach called Showing up Differently. Through whānaungatanga and wānanga we facilitate kōrero with key stakeholders including mana whenua. This means that while our team brings extensive expertise in a range of content areas, we focus strongly on holding space for all parties to share their lived experience, to challenge each other’s practice and to work collaboratively towards personal and school-wide change. 

Our accredited facilitators and consultants have a wide range of experience and wisdom which allows us to assemble small teams with complementary skills to work with Kāhui Ako and kura around Aotearoa. This co-design process then results in a comprehensive programme being designed that supports kaiako and tumuaki which could include hui, wānanga and noho, strengths and leadership coaching, and a range of content areas; 

  • Te Ao Māori and kaupapa Māori principles
  • Te Tiriti o Waitangi
  • Culturally responsive and relational pedagogies
  • Raising ākonga Māori and Pasifika success
  • Ethical, reciprocal relationships with others
  • Culturally sustaining leadership  
  • Diversity and inclusion
  • Te Whare Mauriora
  • Whānau and community engagement

Through this process, we support Kāhui Ako and kura to address the priorities in Ka Hikitia Ka Hapāitia and the Action Plan for Pasifika Education 2020-2030. We also work with kaiako to develop professional growth cycles based on the Educational Leadership Capability Framework to allow kaiako to grow confidence in their leadership and pedagogy.

"I just want to take this opportunity and thank you both for the mahi you guys are providing to our sector through community of practice (COP). I believe the impact of the COP so far and particularly the way we have emphasized a focus on leading with cultural integrity has raised the sector's critical consciousness and we are seeing some great shifts in practice"

Joanie Wilson
Strategic Adviser Māori - Ministry of Education Nelson

"Wiremu is working alongside us to challenge institutional and educational racism, helping us to better understand Kaupapa Māori. As Principal of Hillmorton High School, I learn from Wiremu every time we engage in conversation. He challenges in a very gentle but incredibly respectful way"

Anne Brokenshire
Principal, Hillmorton High School

"Daisy has a wonderful openness both to her own cultural knowledge and traditions and to those of the wider community. Seeing this willingness to honour this rich heritage is of real benefit to our students. The juxtapositioning of Shakespeare and Eminem was genius!"

St Catherine’s College, Wellington

"In my work – which is at the hard end with our most disadvantaged children, young people and families - Leadership Lab recognises that complex and generational issues require teamed up and system-wide responses. For myself, and my senior team members who have experienced professional development and collaborative opportunities through the Leadership Lab, it has enabled networks, shifted thinking, and is continuing to influence different practice approaches to working with families. Strategic. Human-centred. Community focussed. Founded in relationship"

Peter Whitcombe
General Manager Youth Justice Services, Oranga Tamariki Ministry for Children