Learning cultures is our approach – both in our external projects and also internally within our team and with our partners.

We aspire to the following learning culture;

We embody and model collective leadership

We seek to be culturally responsive

We develop and curate world class expertise

We are generous spirited, approachable, warm and great to work with

We build and foster high trust relationships

We are grounded in a deep personal commitment to flourishing communities and whole system change

We work to activate the existing strengths in the system, and our goal is always enablement and empowerment


Te managhw awas ewrw

A snapshot of our diverse and talented team

Leadership Lab is a group of people that

And a glimpse of our Leadership Lab projects

Some of our recent projects, looking to find ways to approach and resolve complex issues

Grow Waitaha

How do we build collaboration between over 150 schools in Greater Christchurch to rebuild and renew their learning programmes post-earthquake?

A multi-year collaboration between schools, Ministry of Education, Ngāi Tahu and consultancies to explore future focussed pedagogy including student agency, collaborative teaching, flexible learning spaces, cultural narratives, authentic curriculum and diverse partnerships.

Our involvement

  • Leadership development
  • Strategy and vision
  • Culture change
  • Coaching and mentoring
  • Team facilitation

Areas of impact

  • Equitable education
  • Thriving workplaces
  • Enacting Te Tiriti o Waitangi
  • Radical inclusion
  • Hauora and wellbeing
Read more
Grow Waitaha

Connected Leaders Programme

How do we develop a collective leadership practice that supports the provision of a integrated service for people with acute mental health disorders?
Read more
Connected Leaders Programme

Read how we are developing a youth leadership programme